What is citizenship in investment program

Investment citizenship is in fact a process by which wealthy individuals can acquire the second citizenship and relative local passport in a relatively short time – depending on the given country – in exchange for an economic investment in the country. The so-called “economic citizenships” are generally fundamental for three types of individual:

 US citizens interested in renouncing their US citizenship. The canada investment program US citizenship waiver process requires the availability of a second passport, but basically on balance, the cost of a new business citizenship is far less than the cost of taxation for a US citizen investor or entrepreneur, especially later on to the recent tax reforms carried out by the US government, as a function of which, the tax burden has also worsened for holders of foreign companies.

Citizens of emerging  Chinese and Arab countries are to all intents and purposes the largest investors in the world in terms of citizenships and economies. They are those who have greater liquidity and in fact derive greater advantages in terms of ease and freedom of travel deriving from the acquisition of a second citizenship and relative passport.

Entrepreneurs and Investors looking for a Plan Unlike US citizens for whom the renunciation of their citizenship and consequent acquisition of the new one is purely an economic issue, for fewcountries citizens, investors and entrepreneurs, who already start from a privileged situation, the music changes and a lot. Especially if we take the cryptocurrency sector as an example, which has been undergoing strong development for some years now. In fact, they require a second citizenship and eb-2 visa services and relative passport, mainly to obviate any risks of termination of their business due to force majeure and consequent need to migrate it to another country, less or better regulated.